lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

Biologist Jesùs Rojas Jaimes-Canta 3

Mito(carica candicans)
Papain, the proteolytic enzyme, has a wealth of industrial uses. It has milk-clotting (rennet) and protein digesting properties. Active over a wide pH range, papain is useful in medicine, combatting dyspepsia and other digestive orders. In liquid preparations it has been used for reducing enlarged tonsils. Nearly 80% of American beer is treated with papain, which digests the precipitable protein fragments and then the beer remains clear on cooling. Papain is also used for degumming natural silk. But most of the papain imported in the U.S. is used for meat-tenderizers and chewing gums. Also used to extract the oil from tuna liver. Cosmetically it is used in some dentifrices, shampoos, and face-lifting preparations. Used to clean silks and wools before dying, and to remove hair from hides during tanning (Duke, 1984b). It is also used in the manufacture of rubber from Hevea (Morton, 1977). Recently, the FDA has cleared chymopapain for intradiscal injection in patients with documented herniated lumbar intervertebral discs whose signs and symptoms have not responded to conservative therapy over an adequate period of time (FDA Drug Bull. 12(3): 17-18). Fruit and seed extracts have pronounced bactericidal activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherischia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Shigella flexneri (Emeruwa, 1982).
Analysis of the cysteine proteinases of Leishmania mexicana and Trypanosoma cruzi using specific antisera

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Colin D. Robertsona, 1, Javier Martinezb, Juan-Jose Cazzulob and Graham H. Coombs , a,
aLaboratory for Biochemical Parasitology, Department of Zoology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK
bInstituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas, Fundacion Campomar, Av. Patricias Argentinas 435, 1405 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Received 22 September 1994;
accepted 26 September 1994.
Available online 13 November 2002.

Antisera raised against papain and cysteine proteinases (CPs) purified from Leishmania mexicana and Trypanosoma cruzi have been used to study the proteins in the two parasites. The antisera against the major CP of T. cruzi(cruzipain) not only cross-reacted with known CPs of L. mexicana but also detected stage-specific molecules that may represent previously unrecognised CPs. The binding of the same abtisera to extracts of different life cycle stages of T. cruzi suggested that the stages possess different isoforms of cruzipain. The lack of cross-reactivity of anti-papain antiserum against cruzipain suggests that the major immunogenic epitopes of these CPs are different, whereas the detection of the major CPs of L. mexicana with both heterologous antisera shows that the parasite's enzymes share epitopes with the other CPs.
Keywords: Trypanosoma cruzi; Leishmania mexicana; Cysteine proteinase; Proteinase

Colibri Gigante

The Tumbo(Fruit)

Su composición por cada 100 g se constituye de agua 92%, calorías 25 g, proteínas 0,60 g, grasa 0,10 g, carbohidratos 6,30 g, fibra 0,30 g, calcio 4 mg, fósforo 20 mg, hierro 0,40 mg, U. I. 1.700 de vitamina A, ácido arcórbico 70 mg, niacina 2,5 mg, rivoflavina 0,03 mg (Otero, 1988).


The woman at the night

Beautiful bulding

A big wood

What is it? It is a insect

Pumacoto Ruins

martes, 15 de junio de 2010